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This Was The Week That Was
Thank God for Jesus/Yeshua!
This is the week that was: on Sonday, Jan 19, three (3!) Israeli hostages were released after 471 days/~15 months in...
Yeshua Shall Be Called a Nazarene
Excerpted from 1995 article:
God will fulfill His Word. In Mt. 2:23 the Word of God says that through the prophets (plural) Yeshua would be called a Nazarene (this is...
King of the Jews
Despite all the unfortunate controversy, the whole world of all cultures and faiths know that a person named Jesus/Yeshua (in whatever language He is...
Good News During Troublesome Times
There is good news from the Middle Earth region of so much troubling news: Yeshua/Jesus/Yasua reigns from on high, and oversees events here on...
The Unchanging Word of God – Pt 2
We ended the first part of this teaching three months ago
with these words of YHVH through Isaiah the Prophet:
“On this one will I...
Israel: Past, Present, and Future
Do you believe that Israel’s future is secure? The God of Heaven and Earth has proclaimed that though He make a a full end...
The Wicked Witch Is Dead!
Yayha Sinwar is dead. Both his first name and family name (Englishly speaking) bring up interesting associations: Yay! Ha! Sin; War.
Killed not in a...
Yom Kippur Readings and Prayers
Today, Shabbat, is the Day of Atonements/Yom HaKippurim in Israel, and for the Jewish people world-wide. It is the 10th day of the 7th...
The Beast Is Rising
Israel is being "thrown under the bus", just as we threw Yeshua outside of His vineyard, and insisted that He be crucified. This was,...
Evil Will Be Defeated!
Clearly the peace that the world proposes is no peace of mind at all, not to mention the cessation of hatred and greed which...
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All Israel Shall Be Saved107Articles13Beer Sheva22Beer Sheva Related20Birth of Lord Jesus/Christmas39Blowing of Trumpets/Rosh HaShana/New Moon20Christianity79Christians/Believers in Jesus/Yeshua116Conferences44Cosmology and Faith23Day of Atonements/Yom Kippur28Death of the Messiah19Eclectic Course Menu75Eschatology179Family Life Beginnings Old and New15Fins and Scales - Choice Variety168General4Haggadah3Hanukkah/Feast of Dedication14Holy Days/Appointed Times13Israel119Judaism52Latest News301Lawsuit29Lord's Supper (Communion)14Media1Messiah/Mashiach105Messianic Judaism101Mysteries of God and of His Kingdom82Names of God27Negev16New Creation/One New Man24New Testament Faith256New Year13Ninth of Av/Tish'a b'Av2Passover/Pesach and Feast of Unleavened Bread20Persecution45Prayers22Purim11Reflections114Sabbath/Shabbat13School Of Fish94Second Coming of Jesus/Yeshua96Shavuot/Pentecost17Significance of Israel to Christians/Church/Nations127Sonday/Resurrection/First Fruits26Succot/Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles12The Minor Prophets13The Tabernacle - Roadmap for the Soul0The Way of This Life150War: Carnal and Spiritual129