Isaiah 41:17-20 "A site of a thankful soul who has found living water to drink from the true God of Israel"

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The Way of This Life

Yeshua Shall Be Called a Nazarene

Excerpted from 1995 article:   God will fulfill His Word.  In Mt. 2:23 the Word of God says that through the prophets (plural) Yeshua would be called a Nazarene (this is...

The Unchanging Word of God – Pt 2

We ended the first part of this teaching three months ago with these words of YHVH through Isaiah the Prophet: “On this one will I...

In The Footsteps of Messiah

Depending upon the “Messiah” one chooses to follow – be it religious, political, military, collective, ideological, philosophical – “that”, “he”, “they”, “it” is our...

The Unchanging Word of the One True God

Heb 13:5-6; Dt 31:8; Gen 28:13-15; Mt 28:18-20  I will never leave you nor forsake you until I have done what I have spoken...

Staying On The Straight and Narrow Road

To be "normal" now is to be "weird" or "far right extremists":  those who label us as such are condemning themselves, because they are...

Blasphemy Unleashed

I have to admit to being a bit irritated as I write this, and, in fact, it is motivating me to write. Not only because...

Shavuot: What is it About?

Shavuot/Weeks is the fourth of the annual appointed times which YHVH God gave to Israel to celebrate and to remember His mighty works on behalf...

The Perpetual Scapegoat

YouTube:  Lev 16:5-10, 15-22; Is 53:10 – living scapegoat bearing all the iniquities,  transgressions, and sins of Israel; Israel being atoned for on the...

Dedication of Our Children To God

Before I became a true believer in God, I would consider the significance of the Jewish New Year, what we call Rosh HaShana (even...

Educating Our Children to Know God

Some of us have grown up in homes with both parents believers; some of us have grown up with only one parent being a...