Yeshua Shall Be Called a Nazarene
Excerpted from 1995 article:
God will fulfill His Word. In Mt. 2:23 the Word of God says that through the prophets (plural) Yeshua would be called a Nazarene (this is...
King of the Jews
Despite all the unfortunate controversy, the whole world of all cultures and faiths know that a person named Jesus/Yeshua (in whatever language He is...
The Unchanging Word of God – Pt 2
We ended the first part of this teaching three months ago https://www.streamsinthenegev.com/the-unchanging-word-of-the-one-true-god/
with these words of YHVH through Isaiah the Prophet:
“On this one will I...
In The Footsteps of Messiah
Depending upon the “Messiah” one chooses to follow – be it religious, political, military, collective, ideological, philosophical – “that”, “he”, “they”, “it” is our...
The Unchanging Word of the One True God
Heb 13:5-6; Dt 31:8; Gen 28:13-15; Mt 28:18-20 I will never leave you nor forsake you until I have done what I have spoken...
Our God Reigns!
In one sense, Yeshua/Jesus is already the King; on the other hand, He must return to sit on His throne in Jerusalem as the...
Shavuot: What is it About?
Shavuot/Weeks is the fourth of the annual appointed times which YHVH God gave to Israel to celebrate and to remember His mighty works on behalf...
The Resurrection of Yeshua: Why It Matters
On of the 13 tenets of historic Judaism (Pharasaic/Talmudic/Rabbinic) is the resurrection of righteous Jews at the end of the world, on the last...
Passover and Easter Calendar Confusion
I am frequently asked about why Easter and Passover are not always like it was in the year that Jesus/Yeshua died, and rose again...
Passover Seder Haggadah: The Blood of the Lamb!
Questions, questions, questions!
Why is Passover this year in Israel different than all the others that we have known? We are at war, and there...