Mysteries of God and of His Kingdom
King of the Jews
Despite all the unfortunate controversy, the whole world of all cultures and faiths know that a person named Jesus/Yeshua (in whatever language He is...
Good News During Troublesome Times
There is good news from the Middle Earth region of so much troubling news: Yeshua/Jesus/Yasua reigns from on high, and oversees events here on...
(Some) New Covenant Changes From Sinai
(This article is a response to a comment to my previous teaching, "The Unchanging Word of the One True God", asking about food laws...
The Kingdom of God Streaming Through History
Rev Aug 3, 2024 (originally published Oct 21, 2017)
Ps 145:3-5, 8-13
God has always been Sovereign King – Sovereign Lord – over His creation, both in...
Israel at the Heart of the Battle
The Summer has officially begun, and, by the end of it, Israel will still not be saved. (Jer 8:20-22) The fullness of the Gentiles...
Shavuot: What is it About?
Shavuot/Weeks is the fourth of the annual appointed times which YHVH God gave to Israel to celebrate and to remember His mighty works on behalf...
Passover and Easter Calendar Confusion
I am frequently asked about why Easter and Passover are not always like it was in the year that Jesus/Yeshua died, and rose again...
The Perpetual Scapegoat
Lev 16:5-10, 15-22; Is 53:10 – living scapegoat bearing all the iniquities, transgressions, and sins of Israel; Israel being atoned for on the...
Educating Our Children to Know God
Some of us have grown up in homes with both parents believers; some of us have grown up with only one parent being a...
The Mystery of Iniquity
We are all a bit shocked from the rapidly increasing lawlessness in our countries, and the violent bitter antisemitic protests against Israel and the...