Isaiah 41:17-20 "A site of a thankful soul who has found living water to drink from the true God of Israel"



This Was The Week That Was

Thank God for Jesus/Yeshua! This is the week that was: on Sonday, Jan 19, three (3!) Israeli hostages were released after 471 days/~15 months in...

Evil Will Be Defeated!

Clearly the peace that the world proposes is no peace of mind at all, not to mention the cessation of hatred and greed which...

In The Footsteps of Messiah

Depending upon the “Messiah” one chooses to follow – be it religious, political, military, collective, ideological, philosophical – “that”, “he”, “they”, “it” is our...

Staying On The Straight and Narrow Road

To be "normal" now is to be "weird" or "far right extremists":  those who label us as such are condemning themselves, because they are...

Our God Reigns!

In one sense, Yeshua/Jesus is already the King; on the other hand, He must return to sit on His throne in Jerusalem as the...

God Works in Us

Written by David Wallis from Kingman Prison, AZ, June 22, 2024  No man has life until to Yeshua he surrenders his will;     then Yeshua reveals...

The Mystery of Iniquity

Written by David Wallis from Kingman Prison, AZ, May 8, 2024   The mystery of iniquity -- sin's fruit is self-deception --     choosing this course violates...

Subjecting Our Will

Written by David Wallis, from Kingman Prison, AZ, April 3, 2024 I don't feel greed, craving, covetous, or even fear adversity.     I'm not gluttonous, lustful,...

Blasphemy Unleashed

I have to admit to being a bit irritated as I write this, and, in fact, it is motivating me to write. Not only because...

With Yeshua

Written by David Wallis, prisoner in Kingman, AZ, June 16, 2024  Yeshua, I long to know You, the beauty of Your walk with me     in...