Thank God for Yeshua! — Yom Kippur


Give thanks to God for Jesus/Yeshua/Yasua, for He saves us from [God’s] wrath to come! (Acts 2:38-40; 1Thes 1:9-10

We learn from the moedim, the appointed holy days and times that YHVH, the Creator and Redeemer, gave to Israel, that they witness and testify to the Lord’s redemptive plan for all people from every nation and ethnic group.

Unless we renew our minds to conform to His will and to His purpose we will be offended in Him and become His judges.  There is much suffering in the world, often including our own people and loved ones.

Jesus came to suffer unjustly for us, who were His enemies.  He is also the innocent Scapegoat of Yom Kippur, becoming “guilty” for our sins and ungodliness. (Lev 16; 2Cor 5:21)  He is blamed for everything not right in the world by our own evaluation.  Now that we have become chosen to become children of our Father in Heaven (Jn 1:10-13), we need to guard our hearts and minds from being unfaithful to Him, who alone is righteous.

We are pilgrims and sojourners in this world, as we journey on the way to the everlasting home in our Father’s house.  Then and there…will be great rejoicing with our Lord and Savior forevermore!  Our mission from the Messiah/Christ is to share this good news with others so that they, too, repent of their unbelief and be saved.

Before knowing Yeshua/Jesus we saw things from our perspective.  Now, if we know Him, we must learn to see things from God’s perspective.

During this time of Yom haKippurim/Day of the Atonements, which testifies of the coming Day of the LORD, let us pray for more Jews, more Arabs, more whomsoever will fear the one true God, and believe in Him, and have their sins forgiven.

On that coming Day, YHVH God will separate those who are His from those who are not.  He will distinguish between the children of light and the children of darkness.  Let each of us make sure who we are.

Praise God for Jesus!


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