Address: 15 HaAvot St (corner of 17 Trumpeldor St) in the Old City
Services: Our services are on Shabbat (Saturday) mornings at 10:30, with translations from Hebrew into English, Russian, and Spanish.
During the months of July and August, our services are on Friday evenings (Erev Shabbat) from 5:30pm (1730).
YouTube channel: We put up on youtube the praise and worship portion of the services, and also the teachings. They are usually uploaded on the Shabbat (Sat.) at 10:30 the following week.
(Here is a short, English-language video explanation of who we are):
The first Messianic congregation/church in Beer Sheva in modern times (meaning our lifetime!) is called by the name Nachalat Yeshua, which means Yeshua’s Inheritance. That’s who we already are now, along with all others whose faith and hope are in Him, and it’s what we have been set apart unto Him for: He is our inheritance, and we are His. Isaiah 53:10-11 comes to mind, as we are His seed who have been purchased with a price and belong to Yeshua. This is the [better] inheritance which corresponds to that of the priests under the first covenant with Israel, who, rather than simply having an inheritance of land, in God’s amazing ways, by virtue of the tribe of Levi being scattered throughout the whole of the land apportioned to all the other tribes of his brothers, the priests actually “inherited” the whole land under YHVH’s rule! How much better is our inheritance in Messiah, through whom and with whom we have inherited a kingdom from the Father which cannot be shaken!
At Nachalat Yeshua, Hebrew is the primary and unifying language between us when our native tongues don’t communicate to one another. To be honest, we’ve also found that even in the same native speech the communication isn’t always clear. 🙂 Translation is provided into Russian, English, and Spanish. We meet in an old Turkish house, privately owned property by Christians for well over 100 years, in Beer Sheva’s Old City (downtown). We are cross-denominational; that is, we belong with all others whose sins have been forgiven through the death on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, and who call upon the name of the Lord out of a pure heart. Jesus is outside anyone’s particular camp, so we go out to Him, bearing His reproach, from whatever camp we find ourselves in. By His cross the world has been crucified to us, and we to the world. As the Bride of the Lamb, He is our (my) beloved, and we are His!
Our vision is for as many people as possible under our authority and influence to be ready for and have part in the First Resurrection. (Rev 20:4-6)
Our mission is to be Yeshua’s witnesses to bring more people into His kingdom; we are God’s sons and daughters to grow to full maturity in preparation for our Bridegroom’s return. (Mt 28:18-20)
Shalom Bro Howard. Thank you for your faithful postings over the years. God has blessed you and your family. The stories and sharings, along with pictures have increased awareness of family life in the Land. You have been helpful to my husband and I in personal but simple ways. ie. Pointing us to Timna and delivering a Heavenly Hope Chest to Bethlehem. A previous email was asking for help to give something to a wounded soldier and I am not sure you received this. I am in Israel and would like to give our ministry contact who travels to Beersheva something for you to give to the soldier you and Tal visited. . My travel partner and I are leaving Jerusalem for the Galilee soon before returning to the states. Currently we do pray and bring praise to God and believe this would be helpful for victory for this man
Shalom Pastor Howard Bass, I’m Eng Ann from Singapore. Is there any streaming of your services or recorded sermons? I came to know you from a zoom prayer for Israel meeting some years ago. Have been keeping you and your congregation in my prayers. Hope to visit you all one day soon, God willing. Let me know how we can keep in touch. Hosanna! Baruch haba b’shem YHWH.
Revised on Jan 12, 2025
Shalom Eng Ann.
Thank-you for your active interest, and it will certainly be nice to meet you in person the next time that you visit Israel.
We do not have streaming services, but we do put up on youtube the praise and worship portion of the services, and also the teachings. They are usually uploaded on the following Shabbat at 10:30. You can find them here:
God bless you!
Shalom, Pastor Howard, thanks for your reply. Chag Sukkot Sameach!
Isaiah 4:2-6
Chag Pesach Sameach !! Moved by your mission statement. Strength to the whole congregation in Yeshua and may Yeshua continue to bless your work in the Negev. I am writing to you from Vienna, Austria and I hope to stop by to attend one of your services on my next visit to the Land. Shalom, Isaac
Thank-you, Isaac. The Lamb, praise God, is risen from His sacrificial death for our freedom! Welcome when you come.
Thank you-Howard. Amen !
So good to see what you write about being cross-denominational, united with all that are set free by the cross of Jesus. Yes, may we all come to see that outside the camp, there we find our true unity at that place. This is the only true unity, disregarding human thought, traditions, organizations and all that divides the body of Christ.
My wife and I visited Israel in April 2018 for the 70th anniversary the state. Stayed 3 days in the desert, at Shivta, a first desert experience for us. And yes, we had a day trip to Be’ersheva to see the well – ignorant of your fellowship – but next time, God willing, we will go to your place.
Speaking of the cross, I will share one truth from the teaching at a service in Christ Church in Jerusalem during our trip. “There is no true fellowship without the cross. For something must die in order to forgive each other, to bear with and to love one another.”
Bless you, followers of Messiah in Be’ersheva!
hi randi
brill article in kehila! just sorry that we got no closer than tel arad on our last trip:-(
encourage other messianic pastors to write similar articles and it would [also] make it so much easier for those of us arranging visits to the Land. we want to show folk what the Lord is doing there NOW, but also in the context of what he HAS done because of his covenant faithfulness.