The world’s most used calendar year is coming to a close. In the sovereign providence of the Creator and Redeemer YHVH God, He has brought the attention of all mankind — Jews and Gentiles of whatever stripe and color — to acknowledge the birth of the Son of God, the Holy One of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua the Messiah. All the world — at least for normal discourse and communication — marks the celebration of the One born — and circumcised on the 8th day — as the Savior of the world, especially for those who believe. (That is what His name, Yeshua, means: He is the Savior, who saves His people from their/our sins. There is salvation in no other name in whatever language that honors Him, including Jesus and Yasua.) The Light of the world became visible, and we behold His glory as of the only begotten of the Father. Is it any wonder that so many spiritual songs have been written and sung about taking on flesh and blood as He only could do, defying all human and angelic reasoning!
Speaking of which, we were so disappointed, even embarrassed, when we listened to a special Christmas concert by a very well known songwriter and singer. He, and all of the selected singers with him, were so excited by traditional seasonal songs that lacked any spiritual content. Most of the songs were of that sort, and a couple of Christ-centered songs were included. It is written in the Prophets that God was fed up with what the Jewish people had done with the special holidays that He gave them to remember Him and His mighty acts on their behalf. Have not many in the Body of Christ/Messiah done the same, focusing on tradition that may not be at all based in truth, and putting the tradition over and above the glory of the Lord of Glory! ? It is not for us to throw out the special occasions, but for us to return to the reality and wonder of who and what our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ are and have done. We can quench the Holy Spirit by carnalizing and “naturalizing” the one-and-only YHVH God, and cast Him outside His own outside camp! Let us repent, and love Him above all, and not self-centeredly make it about Him loving “me” above all.