The Last Great Day of Succot – 24 Oct 2016


Today concludes the 22-day period of the feasts of ingathering — of the autumn harvest.  Succot is the time of the fruit harvest, and of great rejoicing in the goodness and faithfulness of the God of the Bible, who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt to give them an inheritance in the Land of Canaan.  YHVH would be their God, and they would be His people.

Today is Simchat Torah (the Joy of the Torah), which the Jewish people celebrate, and in the synagogues they not only conclude the reading of the five books of Moses which is read throughout the year, but they also begin to read Genesis as an indication of their joy in the Law of Moses, which for them is more ‘holy’ than the other portions of the Old Testament (Tenach).  Yeshua stood and cried out on this last great day that all who are thirsty should come unto Him and drink, and out of his heart would flow rivers of living water. (Jn 7:37-39; 4:10; Is 41:17-20)

We pray that the Lord would open the eyes of His people as they read Moses every week of their need of YHVH’s salvation which is to found only in the name of Yeshua, Messiah and Lord.



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