Shimon Peres – 30 Sept 2016


Today Shimon Peres was buried, having died at the age of 93.  Leaders and other dignitaries from Israel and around the world paid tribute to a great man of the world.  He was forever an optimist, which continually gave him hope that things — including peace — would eventually improve, and he worked tirelessly until his end to live according to his faith.   Yet the God of Israel has His own plan and solution for peace, which neither optimist nor pessimist can prevent.  As the watchman cried out, “The morning is coming, but so is the night”.  The Messiah Yeshua spoke that the night is coming when no one can work.

We continue to pursue the peace of God, that whosoever might know Him and have His peace.  We continue to have the optimistic blessed hope:  Jesus is coming again, and the righteous dead will rise from the dead, and the Kingdom of God on Earth will be established:  righteousness and peace for the Jewish people, for the Arabs, for the other nations to whom the mercies and compassion of the LORD will be bestowed.

The last of the founding fathers of the modern reestablishment of the Jewish people in the homeland promised to them by the living God thousands of years ago has now gone.  What will the fatherless do?  The beautiful and poignant prayer, Avinu , Malcheinu  (Our Father, Our King), was sung at the funeral by Peres’ own request.  The plea is that God our Father and King would hear our voice.  May many in Israel call upon the name of Yeshua and be saved from their sins, and have the peace in their hearts that He alone can give.


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