Rom 8:26-30  The Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God. . .
                       And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to purpose.  For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.  Moreover, whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

What is our purpose in life?  For what are we preparing ourselves?  When a university student chooses a major field of study, or when someone chooses a career or profession based on skill, ability, knowledge, what do they do?. . . . . they prepare themselves for the goal of passing the course; of being accepted for the job;  of advancing to receive better conditions, salary, status, authority.  These are all normal pursuits in most of our lives, or as parents how we want to encourage our children.  There is the honorable way of pursuing one’s goals, and there are dishonorable ways to attain our objectives.  All of this is good and acceptable (not the dishonorable ways, of course!), and, in general, applies to all persons everywhere within their own culture. 

But what of those – also living in the same world with everyone else – what of those who have been born again from above by the Holy Spirit through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ?  As we know, this can happen potentially at almost any age and at different stages of people’s lives and for all kinds of people. 

As we saw last week, all things work together for good to those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose.  Unless we have a purpose in our lives – and this can change or become more defined as we mature – unless we have a purpose, we can not prepare properly, and we will simply drift through life as circumstances blow.  God, who not only created all things and all humanity, but who Himself has redeemed and saved those who have put their hope and trust in Jesus, has given to each believer a calling and a purpose:  firstly, to be conformed to the image of His Son.  A true son honors his father, and as sons of God, we are to declare the greatness of our Father in Heaven.  Among other relationships we have in Christ, one is that we are brothers and sisters of Jesus:  we have the same Father and the same Spirit.  Jesus is the first-born, signifying that there are [many] others after-born.  We are called by the Father to partake in His business – now of redemption; after, of reigning with Messiah in righteousness and justice over the nations.

Yeshua is called the Holy One of God (Mk 1:24 – by demons; Lk 1:35 – by angel announcing His conception and birth).  We have received the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Holiness; Spirit of the Holy One; Spirit of Messiah) to work with us in our lives to be holy – separated unto God for His praise and glory where He alone is our all-in-all.  Without holiness no one will see the Lord, and he who calls upon the name of Jesus must depart from iniquity.(2Tim 2:19)  “Be holy, for I am holy!”  We are called to dignity, witnesses of YHVH God’s holy name:  of our Father’s holy name, which we profane when we act contrary to His character.

Jesus says of Himself that He is meek and lowly in heart (Mt 11:29).  These are qualities of character which  the Holy Spirit works in us through the trials, circumstances, and experiences of our lives.  It is a character that serves others and does not seek its own recognition and honor.  Jesus emptied Himself of glory, to become poor that we could become ‘rich’; to become human; to become a servant, not of the rich and powerful, but of servants.

Jesus was zealous for His Father’s house, that it is to be a place of honor and glory to the Holy and Righteous God. (Ps 69:9 [10 Heb]; Jn 2:17)It mattered to Jesus what was going on in the House of Prayer; it mattered to Him that the older ones set a good example for the younger ones; it mattered to Him how those in authority exercised their power over people’s lives; it mattered to Yeshua that God’s people worship Him in an acceptable way, without any idolatry, whether external or internal.

Jesus loved His Father in Heaven, and as His Son, as being God’s sent one, Jesus loves all of us.  For God so loved us that He sent Jesus, His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but inherit eternal life.  In this love of the Father, our “Older Brother” commands us to love one another as He has loved us.  It is a love not based on merit, but a love given to others in appreciation for being loved by God.  God has set His love on me because, by His mercy and grace, I love Jesus, the Beloved Son of God, His Father and my Father.  We do not deserve such love; Jesus does.

 God is working all things together for good in our lives towards accomplishing His purposes.  The more we know and commit ourselves to Jesus and His purposes, the greater will be His joy and ours; the more peace; the less fear; the more fruit which will remain proving the Messiah lives in us and is our life.  It is knowing God as our Father and Jesus as our Savior and Lord which gives us hope and the power to let the Holy Spirit sanctify us until the time of glory – sharing in the glory that belongs to the children of the living God!  Praise be to His Name!


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