The Necessity of Redemption


YHVH God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, and ceased and  rested on the seventh.  We are plainly told in the New Testament that Yeshua/Jesus is the Creator:  Yeshua came to us as God in the flesh, in order that we could be redeemed and saved from death, and to inherit eternal life with God if we believe that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, shedding His blood of the New Covenant, and was buried, and rose from the grave on the third day — all according to the Scriptures.

God told us that this present Creation is very good — exactly as He wanted for His plan and purpose.  It was/is not perfect — as is clearly evident to all.  Even God’s Torah can make no thing or person perfect.  The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world:  God always had redemption in mind when He created this universe, and all that is in it. He knew that sin and evil would be inevitable, because only HE is good and without sin, and therefore only HE does not sin.  This proved the deity of Jesus Christ/Yeshua the Messiah, and God the Father testifies to the perfect righteousness of His Son by His resurrection from among the dead by the power of the eternal Spirit. 

We look forward to the perfect that will come — the New Heavens and New Earth, wherein righteousness dwells — God dwelling among His redeemed family:  no more sin, nor any of its evil consequences.  Until then….even so, come, Lord Jesus! 


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