While the Arabs are uprising and suffering around the Middle East and North Africa, the Jewish people in Israel are staging their own social protests.  One major difference is that in Israel there has been no violence or military intervention against her own people.  Until now the government of Israel has always been “of the people” and not some separated class of people.  In Israel we are family.

A visiting Zambian pastor has been very impressed with the abundance of food and commodities in Israel, as well as with the excellent road and highway system.  The people —  both Jewish and Arab — he sees living together and sharing the life together.  Yet Israel has forgotten YHVH her God, who has made it possible for all this plenty, and has taken much of the credit herself for the successes.  Even in this unbelief and rebellion, the God of covenant is showing HIS faithfulness, even to a stubborn and stiff-necked people, as He continues to show Himself faithful.  His desire is for His people to return back to Him, and for those who are enemies of His people to also repent and come under His good and gracious covering in the Commonwealth of Israel.

Socially, Israel has a growing gap between the relatively few rich, and the increasing poorer and poor.  The cost of living in Israel is very high, with high prices and low wages.  As of this writing, there are public and private sector strikes and demonstrations against government policies.  Doctors have been on strike for more than four months; parents are protesting the cost of high child-care; students are protesting the high cost of higher education and of housing costs; young married couples are protesting the near impossibility to purchase a modest apartment for a reasonable price; fuel prices are very costly, and the price of new cars are taxed at a rate to bring the cost to double the price.

While we stand on God’s promises regarding the Promised Land to the descendants of Jacob, He also has given commandments regarding the social welfare, and promises of righteous judgments against those who oppress the poor, the needy, the widow, the orphan, the weak of society.  May the Israeli government show itself sensitive to the real and felt needs of the general populace.  May the Church in Israel show itself a willing vessel to help in whatever ways it can; may Jerusalem/Israel/Zion turn to and bless Him who comes in the name of YHVH.


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