Greetings in the name of Yeshua, who is and who was and who is to come!
This is a reminder to please remember to continue in prayer for the outcome of our lawsuit against Beer Sheva’s Chief Rabbi Yehuda Deri, and against the anti-Messianic organization, Yad L’Achim. Our next and “last” scheduled appearance before the Judge Iddo Ruzin is next week on April 15 at 11:10 that morning.
We have submitted to the judge and to the two defendants our position regarding what we expect from them in issuing a public apology for the violence and unpleasant ways during their illegal demonstration and trespass against our congregation on December 24, 2005, and in doing all that is in their power to do to prevent any such recurrence of illegal acts against believers in Yeshua in the future. We have also stated that we will continue to act within the laws of the State of Israel, as we have done all along. (Should laws be changed to work against the gospel even more, then we will, of course, in the love of the Lord and by the power of His grace, do our utmost to honor Him and, if necessary,suffer for His name’s sake.) We walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before, and we follow the Lamb wherever He leads us.
Their responses to the judge and to us is expected by Sunday. If there is anything I can update you on before the day in court, then I will. Your prayers and other tangible support through coming together as one Body around this case have been a source of much hope, and I pray that none of us will be disappointed in whatever verdict of the God of all encouragement. It is not certain that the judge will give his decision next Thursday, and he customarily has up to 30 days following to make his judgment known. How the Israeli general public will know anything is still a question.
And once more, let us remember: This lawsuit is not against Israel or against the Jewish people. It is not to be used in any way to foment or promote anti-Israel or anti-Jewish actions or reactions. It is already known through the Scriptures that Israel at present is opposed to the good news of God, so we are not out to make them an enemy. Nor is our legal action intended to be used by any other minority or religious groups in Israel to encourage or affirm anti-Israel/Jewish sentiment. For the sake of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, Israel and her people are beloved by God the Father for His honor and glory, and for the honor and glory of His Son.
Thank-you for your part in carrying this case through to its end for the righteousness of God to rule, and for many in Israel who have fallen to repent and believe the gospel, that they may rise again to serve the living God!
For the peace of Jerusalem above to be upon you already, even as we look to that day when the Jerusalem that now is will know her peace in Messiah our Lord,