ANTI-BOYCOTT LAW – 13 July 2011


Two days ago a bill against boycotting Israeli products and services originating from within the ‘territories’ — Judea and Samaria — was passed into law by Israel’s Knesset (Parliament).  The new law allows citizens to bring civil suits against persons and organizations that call for economic, cultural, or academic boycotts against Israel, Israeli institutions, or regions under Israeli control.  It also prevents the government from doing business with companies that initiate or comply with such boycotts.  Anyone who considers himself harmed economically by such a boycott is entitled to sue for civil damages.  Israel has no formal constitution.

The individual freedom to not support or to sustain certain products, or to visit certain countries, or to belong to certain political or religious groups is allowed; to impose by law or through intimidation my personal choices upon others is not.  The national interest in upholding laws binding upon all its citizenry and residents for the general welfare and the security of the nation-state is allowed; the elimination of free, public expression of those laws is not.  Israel’s own efforts and might to defend itself from its enemies can not be solved by either economic, political, or military means.  Nor can she save herself by depending on another nation to protect her.  Nor can he be who God called and chose him to be by closing in on himself.  What light is that to the nations?!  Israelis and the Jewish people have long wanted to be ‘like the Gentiles’, and asked for a king like the Gentiles have.  God gave them what they asked for in Saul, whose name means just that:  asked for!  But YHVH has other ideas about what His people are to be, and He admonishes them strongly that what they want — to be like the heathen (in this sense of ‘gentile’) — “shall never be!” (Ezek 20:32-33)

God gave His ‘constitution’ to Israel at Mt. Sinai before they became a nation-state.  Of course, Israel broke this covenantal foundation for governance, and it was also impossible for human beings and nations to live up to. (Acts 15:10)  The Lord is good at “catch-22’s”, in order that we would seek HIS righteousness rather than continuing to try to establish our own.  The need for any nation to defend its ‘values’ is clear.  HOW to do that in a democratic, pluralistic setting — and with religion and peoplehood as integral components of those values — continues to defy civil libertarians as well as pursuers of peace.  Those on the ‘right’ and those on the ‘left’ both have their own, often compromised, justifications to merit consideration of their viewpoint.  Yet from on high, the Word of YHVH comes to tell us that “ALL our righteousnesses are as filthy rags”.

Democracy is the last great bastion of sinful humanity to govern itself without a king to rule over them, or a priest to uphold the true religious faith, or a prophet to call all to repentance back to the ultimate Judge of what is righteous and good.  For those who truly seek righteousness, peace, and truth, the short-comings and failures which all face — whether believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, or whether believers in anything or anyone else, even in nothing and no-one — as we seek to govern others and to be governed by others (while Jesus is excluded for political correctness and to appease false prophets), should lead us towards repentance in the hope that the one true God of both Jews and Gentiles would again intervene to bring to an end all the wanna-be kingdoms of the world, and to establish His glorious kingdom — not of this world — which will never end.

We do need GOD’s anointed King-Priest to rule both within and over us.  The New Covenant promises a new heart and a new spirit — not for Israel only, but for all mankind who come into that covenant through the shed blood of God’s Son.  Then will Israel, YHVH’s  first-born nation, be enabled to be and do what God has created and redeemed her for.

“. . .for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people!’  For what great nation is there that has God near to it, as YHVH our God is to us, for whatever we may call upon Him?  And what great nation is there that has statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this Law which I set before you this day?  Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life.  And teach them to your children and your grandchildren. . . .” (Dt 4:6-9)

“…Blessed is the nation whose God is YHVH, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance!” (Ps 33:10-12)

 Even so, Come, Adon Yeshua/Lord Jesus!


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