Dt 17:8 – 18:22   the role of priests, kings, and prophets in Israel

Sam 16:23   anointed that he would be the oracle of God to the people; anointed for ministry to all peoples; evangelistic, calling for repentance from sin and turning to YHVH God; spoke God’s word, God’s truth, attesting to YHVH being the living God and being holy, by the Holy Spirit

Lev 8:12   anointed that he would be holy unto YHVH; anointed for ministry to God’s people; evangelistic, ministering to and in God’s love; representatives of His grace (lovingkindness) through righteousness by means of the substitutionary sacrifices, and intercession in the name of YHVH; earnest

1Sam 16:13   anointed that the Spirit of YHVH might rest on him in power; anointed for ministry over God’s people to other peoples; evangelistic, being himself subject to the law of the nation; his authority for rule is the righteousness of God 

Ex 19:6   Israel was called into being and chosen to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation to YHVH.  In other words, all Israel is to earnestly desire God’s presence His service, ministering His love and grace and mercy to one another, and on behalf of others, for the Lord’s sake.  The Levites were separated out from the rest of Israel, yet were representatives of all Israel before God.

Yeshua/Jesus, being a Jew, was (is) entitled to inherit the throne, the kingship, being a descendant of David’s royal line; yet Jesus also shows us His priestly heart and character by offering Himself a sacrifice as Israel’s representative to God, in order to satisfy (be a propitiation) God’s righteousness regarding the sins of the people.

Rev 1:6; 5:10; 1Pt 2:9   Christians (Jews and Gentiles) as the people of God – the Church, the Body of Messiah – become in Christ Jesus what Jesus has accomplished for God the Father for us.

The full anointing of God is in (on) Jesus.  The dove, as picturing the Holy Spirit, rested on Yeshua; Yeshua was conceived by the Holy Spirit and already filled, witnessing to His deity as the Son of God, and in Him the fullness of the Godhead dwells. (Col 2:9-10)  As Son over His own house (Heb 3:1,6), He represents all things to God for man, and to man for God (the Father and His family).  We are complete in Him in His anointing, and so partake of the measure He distributes to each believer as He wills, and corporately, as His body, filling up the full measure of Christ!

1.  Prophet:  Elijah and Elisha
      A.  Yeshua
      —Dt 18:15; 34:9-12; Acts 3:19-26  a prophet like Moses, from their midst, from their brethren, speaking the Word of YHVH; signs and wonders; face to face with God
        —Jn 1:21,25  John the Baptiser was asked if he were the Prophet
        —Jn 4:19,25-29  the Samaritans acknowledged Jesus as a prophet, the Messiah and Savior of the world 
Jn 7:40  many in Israel considered Yeshua to be, perhaps, the Prophet
      —Is 61:1-3; Mt 11:4-6  character and ministry of the Messiah-Prophet
      —Amos 3:7-8  YHVH does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets; YHVH has spoken!  Who can not but prophesy?!
        —Jn 7:46  No man ever spoke as this Man speaks!
        —Jn 8:25-29; Dt 18:18  Jesus spoke only that which His Father gave Him to speak
        —Heb 1:1-2; Jn 1:1  God had spoken in diverse ways through the prophets, but now by the Son (the Prophet):  the Word of God made flesh

      B.  The Believer (Christian)
        —2Pt 1:19  We have the more sure word of prophecy, the prophetic Word (the Bible)
        —1Cor 12:28; 13:9-10; 14:1; Eph 4:11  gift of prophecy and the appointment of prophets; this gift and office will pass away when that which is perfect comes (the New Heavens and New Earth; there is much already given prophecy yet to be fulfilled between now and the end of the Millennial Kingdom which any believer can speak, for the LORD has spoken)

      C.  Elijah/John the Baptiser
         —Mal 4:4-6 (Eng); Mt 17:10-13; Rev 11:1-10  herald of 1st and 2nd comings of Messiah Yeshua; also the Church’s ministry to prepare and proclaim the way of YHVH; being reconciled at all social levels, and in relationship to God and man

2.  Priest/High Priest:  Aaron and Melchizedek
     A.  Yeshua and the Priesthood
         —Heb 7 – 10; Gen 14:18-20; Ps 110:4; Zech 6:12-13; Heb 8:1  Melchizedek royal priesthood; superiority over Aaronic priesthood; everlasting priesthood sealed by an oath; the priest on the throne; King and Priest united in holy righteousness; righteousness and judgment (“the way of YHVH”); fulfilled when Jesus returns, yet even now He is High Priest in Heaven, seated at the right hand of Majesty
            –Priestly Functions
             —Dt 33:9-10 (ctr Ezek 22:26)  keeping God’s word and covenant; teaching judgments and law; offering incense (prayers) and intercessory sacrifices
             —Heb 8:3  offer both gifts and sacrifices (blood sacrifices to promote humility and purity)
               —Is 53  bore our sicknesses, griefs, transgressions,guilt
               —Heb 9:28  Jesus offered Himself once for sins for all people
             —Gen 14:-18-20; Num 6:22-27  to present Messiah (bread and wine) in His death and resurrection, and to bless both God’s servants and also YHVH God Himself
             —Lev 16; Heb 10:19-22  Aaron’s High Priesthood allowed for entry into God’s presence (in the Holy of Holies), and other Levites were subject to his office and ministry: to serve (help) him and the divine service, and the people’s needs (SERVANT)
             —Num 16:46-48; Heb 7:25; 8:9; 9:24; Jn 17; Ex 28:30; Dt 17:8  intercession:  merciful prayers to God to withhold judgment; judgment with heart ministry of God’s light and perfection; judgment of hard cases
             —Lev 10:10; Mt 5 – 7  teaching YHVH God’s Law; Sermon on the Mount
             —Lev 10:19; 16:6  sympathy with, and compassion for, the people, being himself a sinner
               —Heb 4:14-16  Yeshua tempted as we are, but without sin, is our sympathetic High Priest
             —Lev 16  to purify the people for God to dwell in the midst of them
               —Heb 9:14; Rev 7:13-15; Eph 5:25-27  purifying the Bride in the blood of the Lamb; to be presented spotless
             —Mal 2:7  covenant keepers; messengers of YHVH of Hosts
           —Lev 13; Mk 2:10-14  healing, especially for leprosy; the priest was God’s vessel to pronounce the Lord’s mercy and honor in healing the diseased
             —Lev 24:5-9   to prepare and to eat the shewbread

     B.  Believers and Priesthood
        —1Pt 2:9; Rev 1:6; 5:10  a nation and kingdom of priests
        —1Pt 2:5  a spiritual house; a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ
          —Ps 51:19 (Heb); Mt 11:29  broken and contrite heart and spirit
          —1Tim 2:1-4  all manner of prayers to be offered on behalf of all persons
          —1Cor 11:23-32; Gen 14:18-20  present Christ in His death and resurrection
          —1Cor 5:12 – 6:5  judgments within the congregation
            —Dt 17:8-13; 21:5  to minister (serve), to pronounce blessings, and to decide (judge) in matters of dispute
            —1Cor 1:1-3  Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
          —Rom 12:1  offer our bodies a living sacrifice
          —Heb 13:15-16  sacrifices of praise, giving thanks in His name; doing good and sharing
          —Col 3:17  Whatever we do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
          —Jn 15:13  lay down our lives for our friends:  no greater love than this
          —Dt 18:5-7; Ps 69:9; Jn 2:17  to stand and minister in the name of the Lord; earnestness is a character trait
          –Follow Yeshua’s example to help others in their infirmities, and to intercede on their behalf for mercy with respect to sins.  Most gifts of the Holy Spirit equip us for priestly service in building up the House of God.
          —Lev 24:5-9; Mt 12:4-5; 1Cor 10 – 11  priestly privilege and ‘duty’ to eat the shewbread

The priestly character and portion (YHVH Himself!) of the Israel of God and the Church of God will abide forever (kingdom of priests):  a theocracy with God as King as envisaged even under the Torah, and the people a nation of redeemed humanity loving God and one another, giving glory to God, praising and worshipping Him eternally! (cp Ezek 44:10-31)

3.  King:  David and Solomon
     A.  Yeshua
        —Gen 1:28  Adam and Eve together given rulership over God’s creation under God’s sovereignty
        —Gen 17:15-16  YHVH promised that kings of peoples would come from the seed of Abraham and Sarah
        —Gen 49:8-10  the sceptre to be with Judah’s descendants
        —2Sam 7:12-16  everlasting throne promised to son of David (the Davidic Covenant)
          —2Sam 5:1-5  David as King brings about unity of all Israel
            —Ezek 37:21-22  one King over a united nation
        —Dt 17:18-20  the king subject to the Law
        —Ps 2; 24; 45  the King and Son of God; the King of Glory; the Messiah King and Bridegroom
          —Num 24:17-19  the star out of Jacob shall have dominion
          —Mt 2:2  Yeshua born to be King of the Jews
          —Mt 27:11  Yeshua tried and accused as King of the Jews
          —Mt 27:37  Yeshua crucified as King of the Jews
          —Jn 1:49  Nathanel acknowledged that the King of Israel is to be the Son of God
        —Is 11:1-5  character and qualities of the anointed King Messiah
        —Is 41;2; Rev 1:5; 17:14,18; 19:16  Jesus is, and will return as, King of kings and Lord of lords
        —Jer 23:5-6  rule in righteousness and justice; YHVH our Righteousness
        —1Cor 15:24-28  Even Jesus, the Son of God, will yield up all rule to God the Father at the end of the Millennial Kingdom, when death, the last enemy, is destroyed

     B.  Born-Again Believers
        —1Cor 4:8; Lk 22:29-30  not yet time for believers to rule
          —Gal 5:23  self-control; we are to exercise self-rule/governance as evidence of Holy Spirit’s lordship in our lives
            —Pr 16:32  Better is he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.
        —1Tim3:1-7  ruling one’s own household a qualifier for ruling in God’s house
        —Jn 17:9,20  intercessory prayer and spheres of influence
        —Mk 16:17-18  disciples have authority in Jesus’ name over demons, poisons, sickness
        —Rev 5:10; 20:4  We will rule with Messiah for 1000 years after His return in great power and glory.
        —Lk 22:24-30  Priest (servant)/King nature and character:  not to exercise lordship over others; and he would be great, let him be as the younger/least; and he who leads, as one who serves and is servant of all.