

Everyone has probably heard the expression, “What goes up must come down”.  The basic assumption is that there is a law of gravity to pull things back down towards the source of the gravitational pull.

But, there is a greater reality:  What comes down must go up!

Yeshua/Jesus came down from Heaven to the Earth that He created, and He went back up again.  Anti-gravity (really, and not simply a hypothetical gravity-free space).  Not only in His ascension, but firstly in His death, burial, and resurrection from among the dead:  the power of God is stronger than the power of gravity, which is a “created thing”, and cannot separate us from the love of God in Messiah Yeshua our Lord. 

Every human being who does down to the grave or to the lower parts of the Earth is going to rise in one of the resurrections — either in the blessed first, or in the second.  All will rise up against the gravitational pull of the center of the Earth by the Word and the power of YHVH God.  Gravity is no match for His great power!  (Every plant gives us a picture of this power:  Gen 1:11-13; Jn 12:24

The Holy Spirit (in fact, all of the triune God took part in the resurrection), by whose mighty power Yeshua was raised from the dead and seated now at the right hand of the Father in the heavens, far above all principality and power (including gravity!) and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age that is to come… this same Holy Spirit power is dwelling in all born-again believers, and we, too, will overcome the power of gravity that binds us to Earth in that day when the Lord returns, and the dead in Christ will rise, and those who are alive at His coming will be caught up to meet them in the air!  Even so, come, Lord Jesus! 


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