YHVH God Will Not Be Thwarted! – 9 July 2017


Recently, the verses at the end of Jeremiah ch 31 and 33 came to me in a new way.  Those verses speak of YHVH having control of the solar system and of the universe, and that as long as He does, Israel will  remain His people and His covenants with David and with Levi will be fully kept.  Usually these verses are used by believers in God’s faithfulness and power to fulfill His covenant promises and to emphasize that Israel has not been replaced by another people.  BUT, SHOULD GOD LOSE CONTROL OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND THE UNIVERSE, WHAT BECOMES OF ENGLAND, OR THE U.S., OR TO THE ARAB NATIONS, OR EVERY OTHER CREATED THING?!  The LORD has bound up EVERYTHING in His promises to His chosen people.  It is not about Israel only; and it all about Israel.  No one has anything unless Israel gets hers; no one can live should the Lord ever lose control of His created system and order.  Israel is God’s surety of life, and as is written in Rom 11, the return and salvation of the Jewish people/Israel back to YHVH their God [through repentance and faith in Yeshua following Jacob’s Trouble/Great Tribulation] will be life from the dead for the world!

As the world continues to show its irrational opposition to Israel, as witnessed once again by UNESCO voting that a historically and religiously important site to the Jewish people and to Israel long before Islam and Christianity came forth belongs to the Palestinian Muslim heritage, the prophetic Word of God continues towards fulfillment.  This time, UNESCO and the Muslims say that the burial place in Hebron, which Abraham purchased at full price in order to bury Sara (Gen 23), and where also Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah are buried — the fathers and mothers (including Rachel) of the people of Israel — is actually a Muslim holy site!  God will judge the nations for their refusal to accept His sovereign choice of Isaac and of Jacob and of Jerusalem in the Land of Canaan, as He will also continue to press His own chosen people Israel over their refusal to accept His Son, Yeshua, as the Lord and Messiah. PRAY FOR ALL THESE THINGS FOR THE SAKE OF THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND THE LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH/JESUS CHRIST.  HIS NAME WILL BE SANCTIFIED AND GLORIFIED!


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