The Lord’s Supper, and Some Messianic Roots of the Christian Faith


There are some noteworthy points of interest in the Tanach/OT scriptures with respect to the roots of our New Covenant faith in God.  Read, see, meditate on the Word to see what was concealed, but now revealed through the gospel, and through knowing and believing that Yeshua the Nazarene is the Messiah, the Son of the living God.  In His light we see light.  He is LORD!

Ex 24:1-11 —  This records the First Covenant meal on Mt Sinai in the presence of YHVH, the God of Israel.  The selected few from the priestly tribe of Levi saw Him and ate, and lived.  The blood of the covenant was sprinkled on the people and on the book of the covenant.  They had all agreed to do and to hear/obey all that YHVH had said.  

Lev 7:11-15, 19-21 (1Cor 11:27-30) – God gives Moses to give to Israel the law/teaching for the peace offering with thanksgiving, and for eating the flesh of the offering, which included leavened challah bread.  Both the priest and the reconciled sinner must be clean/pure to eat of the peace offering.  If we have believed in Jesus, whose shed blood atones for our sins and for our guilt, then we are clean, and have peace with God, privileged to eat of the peace offering with thanksgiving.  This is the only blood offering which allows also the sinner to partake of it along with the involved priest.  We have been made priests of God in Messiah/Christ, our High Priest.  

Jn 6:47-64 – Yeshua says that in order to live forever, we must eat His flesh and drink His blood [of the New Covenant].  (Yeshua was alive when He spoke these “spiritual words”, as He was on the night of the last Passover supper; He is not talking about cannibalism.)  He is the sacrifice for our peace, and we eat of the living bread which He has given us to chew the cud on, and to live by.  His blood is His life that He poured out, and for us to meditate on the price for our redemption and righteous standing before our holy God.  Merely participating in the Lord’s Supper is not what He means that gives everlasting life. 

Yeshua/Jesus is our sin and guilt and peace offering.  He is our great High Priest, and we are the guilty and unclean sinners who have been forgiven and reconciled with God.  Jesus is our peace; He is our reconciliation.

Mt 26:19-35 – This records the New Covenant meal in the presence of the Lord on the night of His betrayal in Jerusalem.  Judas Iscariot was ‘guilty and unclean’, planning in his heart to deliver over to His enemies the Messiah, his Lord, even though an apostle and friend.   

Lk 23:32-43 – Jesus asked forgiveness for those who hated Him, they not realizing what they were doing.  Judas Iscariot did know, and Jesus said it would have been better if he had never been born.  Peter also betrayed his friend out of fear, but the Lord knew that he loved Him.

Heb 1:8-10; Ps 45:6-7 (7-8 Heb); 102:18-27 (19-28 Heb) – This revelation is also rooted in Old Testament shadows.  Who is this Man who was slaughtered for us, becoming our Lord and Savior, granting peace to those whose hatred of Him has been totally replaced by whole-hearted love and thanksgiving?  Yeshua is YHVH in the flesh, the Name above all names:  whatever we think about Jesus is what we think about God; whatever we think about the Son of God is what we think about His Father – God — and our Father by Him.    

The Lord’s Supper new covenant meal reminds us – remember! – that God will fulfill this New Covenant with the whole house of Israel and of Judah.  This “meal for the journey” has its roots in the Torah given to Israel, including the Passover.  It is fulfilled in Him of whom it speaks and to whom it points.  He will forgive them of all their/our sins and guilt and uncleanness, which the first covenant Torah demanded but could not accomplish. (Jer 31: 31-37; Heb 10:1-10

It also reminds us of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed the Messiah, which should put the fear of the God in us when we remember that betrayal is possible even among any of us:  we are saved by grace through faith, and are to demonstrate our faith by our love and faithfulness to the Lord and His covenant. 

What is the message of the cross?:  Jesus forgave those who hated Him without cause, and God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself through the blood of the cross. (2Cor 5:18-21)

There is reconciliation with God and one another when we accept Jesus/Yeshua as the One who died for our sins and guilt and uncleanness, and then we give our sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving because of the peace we have in our souls. 


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