Excerpted from 1995 article:
God will fulfill His Word. In Mt. 2:23 the Word of God says that through the prophets (plural) Yeshua would be called a Nazarene (this is not the same word or spelling in Hebrew or in Greek, as Nazirite. Jesus was not a Nazarite under the Law of Mose: He drank wine; His hair was probably not “long”; and He touched the dead. Neither is the word Natzri the actual word for someone from Nazareth. The Greek word for “from Nazareth” is not the same as the word for “Nazarene”.).
Even today in Israel, the Jewish people call Yeshua/Jesus, “Yeshu haNotzri” (Yeshu the Nazarene, in a completely derogatory sense), but fulfilling the Word of God! (also fulfilling Is 8:20-21, giving deeper meaning to Yeshua telling His city and people that they will not see Him again until they bless Him and His name – Mt 23:37-39)
A few examples from the Scriptures of the use of the Hebrew word netzer and its root derivations are:
Is 11:1 the “Branch” (actually, the unique Root of the roots – the netzer ) from Jesse, King David’s father
Ex. 34:6-7 in connection with the Name of God, who keeps lovingkindness for thousands
Deut. 33:9 Levites (esp. Pinhas) kept covenant with YHVH in preference over his family and kinsmen
Is. 49:6 the preserved of Israel by the Servant of YEHOVAH
Jer. 4:16 the watchers sent by God against Jerusalem and Judah
Ps. 25:10 the paths of YHVH are grace and truth for the keepers of the LORD’s covenant and testimonies
Ps. 119:2 blessedness ( inner-man happiness, satisfaction) of those who keep the LORD’s testimonies
Ps 119:22 supplicating God to remove reproach and despite on account of keeping His testimonies
Prov. 4:23 keeping of one’s heart essential to the issues of life
Prov 27:18 the one tending and protecting the fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards [the interests of] its master will be honored. (The fig tree is also a symbol for national Israel in the land of Israel, and YHVH God is its Lord/Master.)
Yeshua fulfills all these, and we are called to do so as believers in Him; Israel is also called to be notzrim in truth, both morally and spiritually.
From the Greek texts, we find the following applications of the Messianic use of the name Natzri/Nazarene:
—Lk. 18:37-38 Associated with the Son of David, Messiah
—Lk. 24:19 Known by His disciples as Yeshua the Nazarene/Natzri (on way to Emmaus after resurrection of Yeshua)
—Mk. 16:6 The angels refer to Jesus the Nazarene as the One the women are seeking at His tomb
—Acts 4:9-12 by faith in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene the lame man was healed; the only name under Heaven given unto men by which to be saved
—Acts 22:8 Yeshua calls Himself the Nazarene (הנצרי) after His ascension when He appears to Saul (Paul) and identifies Himself to him.
The apostles and disciples are identified with Yeshua/Jesus as Messianics/Christians (משיחיים), or, as of the Nazarenes (נצרים).
—Acts 11:26 first called Christians (meaning belonging to Messiah/Christ, or, followers/disciples of Messiah/Christ — whether Gentile or Jewish)
—Acts 24:5 scornfully referred to as Nazarenes; Paul takes the opportunity to declare his faith and hope
—Acts 26:28 Jewish King Agrippa referred to Paul’s persuasiveness to make him a Christian; Paul had borne testimony to the sufferings of Messiah and of His resurrection
—1 Pt 4:14-16 apostle to Jewish believers refers to suffering as Christians for the Name of Messiah (the Greek word for Christian which Peter used for the Messianic Jews is the same as used for the disciples in Antioch, and by King Agrippa — Christianos)
—Acts 6:14 a name of contempt used by false witnesses
—Acts 3:6; 4:10 healings and miracles done in the Name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene (Yeshua ha-Mashiach ha-Natzri)
—Mk. 1:24; Lk. 4:34 demons, evil and unclean spirits, knew Yeshua as the Nazarene, the Holy One of God
Just as Jewish people in the diaspora often times want(ed) to dissociate themselves from their God-given identity (also often used in derision), so many Christians do the same – some due to rebellious unbelief or to a bitter root, others due to a sense of shame or of guilt, still others from fear of ridicule or of disapproval. Nonetheless, even as the name of Israel and of Jews remain to this day, so too has YHVH preserved the name (Hebraically- and English-wise today) of Notzri/Christian. (In Israel the appellation Notzri(m) is generally used for Roman Catholics.) If we look to Yeshua/Jesus and suffer with Him for His Name’s sake, then we will be glorified together with Him. The cross of our Lord does not permit us to find our comfort by seeking to save our own lives and names (reputations), but rather by losing our life for Yeshua’s sake. (Heb 13:13-15) Then His promise is that we will indeed find life. We are hidden with Messiah in God.
As we see through faith God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit reveals and enlightens through the Scriptures, then the sayings (אמרים of God – not His words/דברים only, but what He is saying with His words ) are magnified, enlarged, are seen more fully and clearly: great is the glory of YHVH, our pride of self is exposed and abased — grace and truth come through Yeshua the Messiah the Nazarene/Jesus Christ the Nazarene. We have no boast but in the cross of our Lord.