Staying On The Straight and Narrow Road


To be “normal” now is to be “weird” or “far right extremists”:  those who label us as such are condemning themselves, because they are acknowledging that there is good and there is evil, without mixture; there is right and there is wrong, without compromise; at least we are “right” in their view, unless they also try to make left right and right left, which, after trying to make male and female questionable, isn’t as far-fetched as it might have once been thought. 🙁   All the devil can do is bounce off of what YHVH has created, and what He has spoken and has had written down for posterity.  Human beings do not know anything outside of what God has created and made, and what He has said and given as a record of it in the Holy Scriptures.  Satan cannot create a thing, but only defile and contradict what his Creator has done and said.  And he is the great deceiver, liar, murderer, destroyer…and, regrettably, people believe him:  a reality ever since Eve and Adam gave him their ear to disbelieve and disobey the LORD.  Our sinful nature wants to make the holy YHVH God at least less than the perfect living Being that He is, even if we profess to believe in Him, who is love!  And thank God for Yeshua/Jesus, who came and took on the likeness of sinful flesh that He could be our Redeemer and Savior, and deliver us from the death trap of the enemy!

Israel as a nation is still in a state of uncertainty, and confused about where things are going.  Ever since the assassinations of a key Hezbollah leader, and of a key Hamas leader, Iran and Hezbollah have said that they are preparing to wreak destruction and death on the Jewish state.  I do believe that they mean it, and I also believe that the God of Israel’s hand is restraining them until a time that He has determined.  He is bringing many Gentiles, and many nations to take stock of their positions regarding supporting the Islamic enemies of the Jews, of Christians, of all that represents the one true living God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit — over their positions regarding the small nation and country of Israel, whom YHVH is using as a proof of His existence, but also as a proof that He does keep His promises and covenants, and “the war” is not over, but nearing that He will utterly defeat all of HIS enemies, and the enemies of His people.  These enemies can also be from within those who are called by His Name — whether Jews, Israelis, or Christians.  He wants to save much more than He wants to judge unto condemnation.

The world powers are constantly keeping Israel from acting in its best interests, while trying to get everyone else to bend to each of their own perceived best interests.  Praise the Lord that in the end it will all done in accord with HIS best interests, which will be the best for everyone who is in agreement with Him about that.  As Yeshua told His disciples in advance of the difficult and terrible things to come to comfort them, that their heart not be troubled, so has He for us with the same words of sovereign clarity and comfort, to strengthen us to endure until the end.  The Jewish people, despite all the suffering through its history, have endured with faith and hope that the outcome will be good, despite how things look.  How much more should we, who believe in the Suffering Servant, Yeshua/Jesus, and have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit living in us, be willing to expect to have to endure to the end in our faith, hope, and love, trusting completely in our Father and in His Word — as Yeshua did on the cross — knowing the glory on the other side?!  This is our primary preparation for when the storm really hits.  We have a peace that surpasses all understanding, and a rest in God who loves us and intends to make us a perfect and spotless Bride for the Lamb.  Help us Lord in our unbelief and fears!  Make us overcomers, and more than overcomers, in You who love us!  Amen!


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