Sign Spoken Against #2: Anti-Yeshua


During the two weeks of November 10-22, the evangelism organization, Jews for Jesus, conducted a campaign in the southern cities of Israel, focused in the largest city of Beer Sheva.  Beer Sheva and Arad have seen their share of opposition to the gospel over the years, and this campaign awakened some of that antagonism.   One of the campaigners was arrested just two days before the end of the campaign, the first time in eight such campaigns around Israel that this has happened.  He was released on bail after spending four days in a prison, and expelled from the country last week on Dec. 3.  This expulsion order (which is less serious than a deportation)  is being contested by JFJ through legal channels.  We hope that the outcome will not bring a further hindrance to the Great Commission in the land, and among the people, where it was first commanded.

In the wake of the campaign, once again around the Hanukkah holiday, ultra-orthodox Jewish young men (teens, overseen by an adult rabbi), spray-painted blasphemous graffiti on the walls of the meeting place of Yeshua’s Inheritance Congregation.  The police have not yet taken any decisive action, despite the perpetrators being photographed by security cameras.  And on Nov. 27, Yo-Yakim Figueras, the pastor of Hasdey Yeshua in Arad, was interviewed on Radio Darom (Southern Radio), along with a religious political leader who is also on the Beer Sheva mayor’s council.  The calm, Holy Spirit-controlled spirit of Yo-Yakim stood in stark contrast to the livid outbursts by the other.   The interview can be heard here, but without translation:  We thank the Lord for the opportunity given to Yo-Yakim, who says,  “In the interview, the (name of political party) member was outraged for the fact I was given a stage. On the other hand, I tried to challenge the people to check for themselves the biblical prophecies and decide who Yeshua is.”

YHVH God still speaks through His servant, Simeon, a righteous and devout Israeli Jew waiting for the consolation of Israel, who knew that He would see the Lord’s Messiah (Anointed One; Christ) before He would die.  Simeon spoke these words more than 2000 years ago by the Holy Spirit to Mary/Miriam, the mother of Yeshua, not long after the Lord’s birth:  “Behold, this [child] is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against . . . that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed”. (Lk 2:25-35)

Here are some links to articles related to the evangelism campaign and reactions against it:

Although Israel is still an enemy of the gospel so that more Gentiles can still be saved before all Israel is saved, she also remains beloved for the fathers’ sakes, that He may have mercy upon all. (Rom 11:25-36)  Such is the wisdom and sovereignty of the one true God!


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