1. “Registration” of our children with the government of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Kingdom of God, before the Lord and before you, the local assembly of God, our brothers and sisters.
2. Want all honor to go to YHVH God and to His covenant of grace.
3. All come into the world with a sinful nature and in need of salvation. This truth is taught in both the Old and New Testaments. R (whose name means a ‘white broom bush’) is by nature a sinner! Have you ever considered that every person who enters the world contributes to the sin and evil of the world? Parents – mothers and fathers – have a great privilege and responsibility to train up our children to both know their need of salvation and also to know Him who alone is the Savior.
4. Jn 16:21 It is interesting and noteworthy that in this passage, Jesus compares the sorrow and the joy of childbirth to His own return to His Father in Heaven and also to His coming again to the Earth. We, as members of His Bride – and indeed all of the creation – wait and look for His appearance that all our sorrows be turned into joy.
5. Ps 25:10-14 the secret of YHVH to those who fear Him – to be His friends to whom He speaks freely, and to know His Son.
6. Is 49:5-8 The covenant of YHVH is Him whom Israel at this time still does not accept, that hates Him, the Servant of the LORD. Jesus is He that will gather Israel!
7. Jesus alone fulfills all that is written concerning the covenants of God with Israel and for the nations, and the New Covenant is sealed in His body given for us and in His shed blood. So it is that tonight Randi and I want to dedicate R to our Lord and God, Christ Jesus, with the Lord’s Supper, remembering the sacrificial death of the Lamb of God, who provides the blood covering for our household under the New Covenant, the everlasting covenant. This better covenant with better promises was the desire and intent of God’s heart before ever there was a man on Earth to sin.
8. Jn 1:1-14 Jesus Christ is the true light of all who come into the world. All who seek truth and true identity and purpose for living find them in Christ Jesus – or else remain in some measure of darkness – for the Light has come into the world.
9. True life is in Him. Eternal life. All men seek to live. God has promised that in His Anointed One (Messiah/Christ), the Savior, in accord with the everlasting covenant, we have eternal life – life which is really life.
10. As parents we want to teach our children, by the grace of God, both through instruction and also by our own lives as examples, that the Word of the one true living God is our light and our life, in order that they, too, will want to know personally the Father and His Son Jesus Christ whom He sent into the world.
11. Rev 5:9-14 Worthy is the Lamb. . .