Holiday greetings to you all!

In the following days the Biblical holiday of Shavuot ([7] Weeks) and Pentecost (50 Days) will be marked, properly counting from the first-fruits resurrection of our Lord Yeshua from the dead on the day after the Sabbath, i.e. Sonday, during the Passover/Unleavened Bread week.  Thus, Shavuot/Pentecost should also be properly celebrated on the 8th Sonday from the Passover, which is 7 weeks from that first Sonday, and the 50th day including that day after the Sabbath.  Our new life as a new creation born-again by the Holy Spirit begins as children of the resurrection in our Savior Redeemer, who died and rose again!  Jesus is the first-born of creation, and the first-born of many brethren.  Praise God for His free gift of eternal life after death for all who truly believe His good news! (Lev 23:9-21; Acts 2:1; Rom 10:1-13)

God bless you as you celebrate His wonderful  gift of His Spirit and of eternal life in Messiah Jesus!


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