What Kingdom Are We Of? – 1 Aug 2016


As I follow the election process in the U.S. (we are also citizens  there), I thank God for saving me and giving me hope through faith in Jesus!  I had been active in the political system with the naïve idealism of “tikkun” — trying “to make the world better”.  (I didn’t know then that satan is the prince of this world, nor that God had HIS plan of tikkun.)  Thirty-six years ago, the state of the union (the U.S.) was heavy on my spirit:  to me the U.S. was the greatest country in the world, but it was going down fast, and nothing better was coming up!  God was there in the person of a man named Dwight, and the Lord had prepared me to finally listen to the truth and the hope that is in Jesus.  When I confessed Him to be who He is, God gave me His Spirit and I knew!  And that hope was set firmly in the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ (by faith in this name I was saved), and HE WILL make the world right!

The low level of this year’s elections and candidates only confirms what I already saw and felt 36 years ago.  May God have mercy and shake up His people!  We are almost blind like Isaac, and willing to bless the wrong choice for carnal reasons; and Esau was willing to forsake all for exaggerated temporary relief, and then blame his brother for bartering to have what he had not valued.


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