Chewing the Cud – 24 Mar 2019


Rain is expected again today and tomorrow, which may finish off the season.  Other countries are having massive flooding or else drought.  “Normal” becomes a convenient snare, yet we all, I presume, like it when things are “normal”.  Unfortunately, “normal” is not what it used to be — not only in nature, but also in morals.  When God’s Word is marginalized, or otherwise ignored or disbelieved, then ‘abnormal’ will rush in and push ‘normal’ out!

We have begun a series in Yeshua’s Inheritance Cong (Nachalat Yeshua) on the first 12 chapters of Genesis, which are the seed-bed and roots of our faith, and for all the rest of this world’s history.  When these chapters, beginning from the Beginning, are made irrelevant as regards the faith once-for-all delivered to the saints, then at worst we become part of the falling away leading up to the revelation of the antichrist, or else we are becoming and encouraging others to become ‘doubting Thomases’, who needed proof, evidence, that he would be satisfied with, before he would believe not only what he had heard from being with Yeshua for 3 1/2 years, but what he also heard from the other believers who actually saw the Lord after His resurrection.  “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Faith always believes God; He will always be proven right; and not merely right, but wise in His rightness. By acquiescing to the wisdom of this world, we become enablers of the increasingly rapid slide into darkness and chaos.  Jesus told us that “the night is coming, when no one can work”.  God will raise up a bulwark against the rising flood, but the damage will be great.

This year, Purim — with its Full Moon — began on the same evening as the beginning of Spring; it was the first time since 2000, and it will not happen again until 2030.  This Purim much attention was drawn to the continuing hostility of Iran (Persia) towards the Jews, especially Israel.  The law of the Persians can not be changed, it is written for us in the Book of Esther.  So neither can the law that was passed to give the Jews the liberty to defend themselves from those of the Persian Empire who sought their destruction.  And, praise God, HIS Law can not be changed which promises His direct intervention at the time of the end to once-and-for-all deliver and save His covenanted people from their sins!  For it is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of YHVH!  When you consider it, this reliance on one’s own — or one’s nation’s own — power and might to overcome victoriously is no different than the evolutionary world-view and explanation of the survival of the fittest, and might makes right.  No, the meek shall inherit the Earth, and the righteous, says the Lord.

We had a very nice Purim party for the children of our congregation, along with children from Arad, and also from other congregations nearer to us.  The lessons of Purim should not be lost on this generation, but we want them to know that it was God, working providentially ‘behind the scenes’, who saw to it that those who acted on behalf of His people overcame the age-old antisemitism, and that those who acted actively and unrepentantly to stir up the irrational hatred were found out and defeated.  The devil is still doing the same things today to deceive and lie about Jesus, about Israel, about New Covenant faith in Jesus, but the day of YHVH will come, and the righteousness of GOD will be vindicated!  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!


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